Методична розробка до уроку з медіапрезентаціями, мета якого - активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми, практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з вилученням необхідної інформаціїї, організувати аудіювання автентичного матеріалу з теми.
Тема: ЇЖА.
Підтема уроку : You are What You Eat. Ви є те, що ви їсте.
Задачі уроку:
- активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми «їжа»
- практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з вилученням необхідної інформації
- організувати аудіювання автентичного матеріалу з теми
- удосконалювати навички говоріння з теми
- залучати учнів до іншомовного спілкування
- стимулювати учнів до складання власних висловлювань з теми
- розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію та мовну здогадку
- формувати шанобливе ставлення до іноземної мови як засобу міжкультурного спілкування
- виховувати повагу до оточуючих
- залучати учнів до колективної співпраці
- підручник (Биркун Л.В., Наша англійська: підручник для 7 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів – К: Освіта, 2007)
- комп’ютер, проектор, Power Point- презентація до уроку
- Handouts (Додаток 1, 2, 3)
- блюдо з паперовою «локшиною»
- “Happy Meal” boxes
Міжпредметні зв’язки:
- Технології, основи здоров’я
Тип уроку: комбінований
Хід уроку
- Початок уроку.
- Організаційний момент.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you! (Slide 1)
Sit down, please! I hope everybody is OK today.
You see, children, today at breakfast news I’ve watched a DIY programme about cooking Italian food. I adore Italian food and one of my best dishes is Italian noodles or pasta. And I’ve brought some to you. Look! How tasty it is! Yummy!!!
(Slide 2)
Would you like to taste the dish? Take “the noodle” and answer the question written on it. Let’s learn more about each other!
- Мовленнєва зарядка.
Учні беруть з тарілки по «локшині» – стрічки з паперу, розкручують та читають запитання, написані на них, та відповідають.
- What is your favourite fruit?
- What is your favourite vegetable?
- What do you usually eat for dinner?
- When do you usually have supper?
- Who cooks in your family?
- Do you like ice-cream?
- Do you have your breakfast at home or at school?
- Do you eat at school canteen?
- Основна частина уроку.
- Повідомлення теми уроку. Виклик інтересу до теми.
T: Children, do you like my noodles? Why do you think I’ve brought this dish to the class? Can you guess what we shall speak about today?
P: We’ll speak about food (different kinds of food, favourite dishes).
T: Yes, right you are. And the topic of our lesson today is “You are what you eat”.
(Slide 3)
Today we’re going to speak about different kinds of food, review the words of the topic “Food”, read some texts and speak about healthy and unhealthy diet. And what is more – we’ll go on a very interesting excursion.
- Повторення лексичних одиниць з теми.
T: First look at these pictures and name the things you can see there. (Slide 4)
P: Pizza, Coca-Cola, hamburger, cheeseburger, sandwich, French fries, candies, cookies, soda water, potato chips etc.
T: How do we call this kind of food?
P: It’s fast food / junk food.
- Розвиток навичок читання. Scanning reading.
T: Right you are. It’s fast or junk food. Now, please, open your books at p. 40-41 and find Ex.1. This text is familiar to you, isn’t it?
So, let’s divide into two groups and find the answers to some questions about junk food and fast food from this text. Be quick about it. You have only one minute to do task 1.
Find the answers. (Handouts, Task 1) (Slide 5)
Group # 1
Group #2
How much food do we eat a year?
What is junk food?
What is fast food?
Why is junk food very popular?
What is fast/ junk food high and low in?
What problems can junk food lead to?
Учні знаходять відповіді на запитання у тексті, зачитують їх.
Group #1.
- We eat half of the ton of food each year.
- Fast food is highly processed food often made of convenience food.
- Fast food is high in fats and sugars and low in minerals and vitamins.
Group # 2.
- Junk food is unhealthy food.
- Junk food is very popular because it is cheap and convenient to eat.
- Junk food can lead to dental problems, heart diseases and obesity.
T: Let’s sum up what we’ve got. (Slide 6)
Fast food and junk food is…..
This kind of food is high in……. and low in ……..
It can lead to…….
Учні доповнюють речення.
T: Let’s do some tests. Choose the right ending of the sentence. (Handouts, Task 2)
- Every year people in the world are becoming…….(Slide 7)
- happier
- fatter
- healthier
- Finger food is fast food which can be eaten …(Slide 8)
- without forks
- without sticks
- without forks and knives
- Fast food is usually served in…….(Slide 9)
- cartons, bags or plastic wrappings
- plates
- cans and cartons
- People are overweight because they eat fast food …..(Slide 10)
- at home
- in a restaurant
- in a hurry
- Eating of junk food can lead to …..(Slide 11)
- problems at work
- health problems
- dental problems
- To be healthy a person needs …..(Slide 12)
- to have a lot of money
- minerals, proteins, vitamins
- to have enough sleep
Keys: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6b
- Перегляд та обговорення відео.
T: Pupils, tell me, please, where can we buy fast food? What is the most popular place selling it?
P: It’s McDonald’s! (Slide 13)
T: Yes, right you are. Have you ever been there? Let’s go on an excursion to the McDonald’s!!! Right now! Will you?
Музична заставка про МакДональдз. (Slide 14)
T: Welcome to McDonald’s, dear friends! Nice to meet you here! We’re not going to eat here, but see how they prepare the meals. What are the most popular dishes at McDonald’s? How do we call the lunch box at McDonald’s? (“Happy Meal”). (Slide 15)
What is the usual set of its dishes? What does the “Happy meal” consist of? (French fries, Coca-Cola or juice, a hamburger or cheeseburger). Right you are.
And now let’s watch how they make burgers.
Перегляд відео “How to make a double cheeseburger”. (Slide 16)
T: Well, do you like the way they make it?
Хвилина релаксації.
T: Let’s listen to the song “I like food” (Slide 17)
You may sing to the CD- player.
- Читання тексту з вилученням основної інформації з прочитаного.
Pre- reading
T: We’re going to read the text of Ex. 2 p. 45.
- Look at the picture, look through the text and try to guess what this text is about.
P: It is about hamburgers, because we can see a hamburger in the picture.
(Slide 18)
- Read the first and the last sentences of the text. What information have you got?
While –reading
- Look through the text once more and find the names of countries and parts of the world mentioned in it. (America, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, China, England, Eastern Europe, Middle East).
- Match the parts of the table. (Handouts. Task 3) (Slide 19)
What country came up with the idea of …..
- chopping meat into tiny pieces
Eastern Europe ( Poland, Russia, Ukraine )
Middle East
- serving the dish in a bun
- sprinkling the bun with the sesame seeds
T: OK. Can you prove that a hamburger is a truly international dish now?
(Slide 20)
- Розвиток мовленнєвих навичок.
T: Now look at this food pyramid. (Slide 21)
It shows different food groups. It tells us what we must eat to stay in good health. Let’s analyze it.
Ps: This food pyramid consists of four levels. On the first level we can see such food products as….. We must have ….. servings of them a day etc.
T: What food products can you see on the second and third level?
What other fruits and vegetables do you know?
What dairy products can you name?
Can you name meat products?
What can you see on the top of the pyramid?
What food is high in fats, oils and sugar?
Учні називають продукти харчування , які мають підвищений вміст жирів, цукру та масел.
T: Please, raise your hand if you like pizza (hamburgers, ice-cream, hot-dogs, Coca-Cola, fruits, vegetables, fish, rice)?
So, what conclusion can we make after studying this food pyramid? Do you all lead a healthy diet?
Перегляд відеорецепту
Before watching the video
T: What products must we eat to stay healthy? Name them, please.
Учні називають продукти для здорового харчування
Now I suggest we should watch a video – recipe of preparing a “Quick Italian Salad”, which is a healthy diet. (Slide 22)
While watching the video
Be ready to answer the following questions: (Slide 23)
- What are the ingredients of the dish?
- What cooking utensils do we need for it?
- What are the main steps of its preparation?
After watching the video
T: Answer the questions, please.
Гра « Healthy Happy Meal” (Slide 24)
T: I’ve got two “Happy Meal” boxes for each group. The food inside these boxes is mixed. You have got only 1 minute to do the following tasks:
Group #1: Fill the lunch box only with healthy food.
Group #2: Fill the lunch box only with unhealthy food.
Учні наповнюють “Happy Meal” - коробки.
По закінченню гри:
T: You time is up. Let’s see what you’ve got. Name the food you have chosen for your box.
I wish you didn’t have an unhealthy lunch box for your meals. For most people all over the world right food is the main part of their lifestyle. And that’s why we say “you are what you eat”. Do you want to be healthy? Then, eat the lunch box with healthy meal! Do you want to be unhealthy and weak? Don’t? Then, you mustn’t eat the food from the other box. If you lead a healthy diet you are healthy. If you don’t lead a healthy diet you are not very healthy.
So, eat regularly, drink lots of water, have enough sleep, keep active, have a regular rest. This will keep you fit, healthy and slim.
- Заключна частина уроку.
- Повідомлення домашнього завдання. (Slide 25)
T: Children, imagine that you are opening a new restaurant in our town. Make your own menu consisting only of right and healthy foods.
- Оцінювання діяльності учнів:
T: At the end of our lesson I’d like to thank you for your activity and good answers. Two groups have worked quite well. The most active pupils at our lesson today are… . Your marks are… .
- Підведення підсумків уроку. (Slide 26)
T: Children, did you like the lesson? What did/didn’t you like most of all? Did you learn anything new?
Thanks a lot for your hospitality and good mood.
(Slide 27)
Good- bye!